"Estados Unidos" ... United States = )


1 Week

One week today and we'll be taking off for Santiago, Chile!  Lately we've been bumping into friends, co-workers, and just plain strangers who have been to Chile, have a dog in Chile (I'm not even kidding), read a book about Chile, so on and so forth.  So between the two of us we've created some connections in hopes to better our experience in Santiago and its nearby cities.   

It's kind of like a car that you never knew existed; all of the sudden you see this really sweet advertisement about it and then you realize that everyone and their mother has that damn car and you see it in every color while your cruising down the highway, almost like it's the only type of car left on this earth.    

The General Manager at my restaurant has offered to set something up with some of our wine reps in hopes to possibly do a winery tour.  Last night at work I waited on a couple that travels the world showing dogs and aside from the fact that they invited me along (too bad I don't like dogs more than I do) they have a Chilean friend, who has one of their show dogs, that lives their and has helped us exchange some info.  On top of that, Kimmy came home from work today and told me that she had a new nurse on her floor who lived in Chile for two years studying Spanish and also offered to set us up with some people.  It's six degrees of separation at its best!

Of everyone that I've ran into and mentioned our excursion to, the one thing about Chile I hear the most is how gorgeous it is.  A co-worker actually told me to think of all of the most beautiful places I've ever seen and put them all together in one spot...and there you have Chile.       

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